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Publications & Preprints
- Cheng Chun, Melvyn Sim, Yue Zhao. Robust Workforce Management with Crowdsourced Delivery.
- Forthcoming in Operations Research.
- Download the data and code here.
- Yue Zhao, Zhixing Luo, Stanley Frederick W. T. Lim, Caihua Chen, Melvyn Sim. Service Oriented Considerate Routing: Data, Predictions, and Robust Decisions.
- Major revision in Management Science.
- Long He, Xiaobo Li, Yue Zhao. Proactive Policing: A Resource Allocation Model for Crime Prevention with Deterrence Effect.
- Major revision in Operations Research.
- Jianpeng Ding, Liuxin Chen, Lianmin Zhang, Yue Zhao. Robust Satisficing Newsvendor Problem.
- Major revision in Operations Research Letters.
- Yue Zhao, Zhi Chen, Zhenzhen Zhang. Distributionally Robust Chance Constrained p-Hub Center Problem. Informs Journal on Computing 35(6) (2023): 1361-1382.
- Yue Zhao, Zhi Chen, Zhenzhen Zhang, Andrew Lim. Vessel Deployment with Limited Information: Distributionally Robust Chance Constrained Models. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 161 (2022): 197-217.
- Xinke Li, Zhirui Chen, Yue Zhao, Zekun Tong, Yabang Zhao, Andrew Lim, Joey Tianyi Zhou. PointBA: Towards Backdoor Attacks in 3D Point Cloud. ICCV 2021: IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision.
- Yue Zhao, Yuwei Wu, Caihua Chen, Andrew Lim. On Isometry Robustness of Deep 3D Models under Adversarial Attacks. CVPR 2020: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Code.
Work in Progress
- Supply Chain Resilience Management with Moment-dispersion Ambiguity.
- Network Design for Sustainable and Efficient Operations of Net-Zero Data Centers.
- Joint Routing and Resource Allocation for Nonprofit Operations under Uncertainty.